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Fees and extras

Blanchelande College School fees and additional costs





Infants (Reception – Year 2): £4,600 per term

Juniors and Seniors (Year 3 – 13): £4,885 per term



£62.50 per day (includes cooked lunch); minimum booking of three days (8.45 am – 2.45 pm) per week

Early Bird Club: £6.10 per session (8.15 am – 8.45 am)

After School Club: £9.90 per session (2.45 pm – 3.50 pm)


Primary Wrap Around Care

Breakfast club: 7.45 am – start of school

After-school club: 3.15 pm – 5.30 pm

More details and costing can be found here

Registration fee

There is a non-refundable registration fee of £100 for all applications to join Blanchelande College.

Additional Charges (extras)

The College offers opportunities for pupils to travel; while highly recommended for confidence-building and cultural awareness, off-island trips are voluntary. Trips may change from year to year but recent year group residential trips have included:

  • Year 5: Jersey
  • Year 6: England
  • Year 7: France
  • Year 8: PGL, England
  • Year 9: Spain
  • Year 10: London
  • Sixth Form: academic enrichment trips eg Wetlands Centre (Biology) or Peter Vardy conference (Religious Studies).

Many trips take place during Activity Week in June; costs vary dependent on choice of activities and payment plans are arranged to spread out the cost.

Students may begin the Duke of Edinburgh Award from Year 9. Silver and Gold expeditions take place in spectacular regions of England and Wales and costs are provided by Mr Elward (Acting Principal and DofE Coordinator).

For information about individual music lessons, click here.

For Food Technology in the senior school, while a charge for ingredients is not currently levied, students are required to bring in certain of their own ingredients. (Some optional extra-curricular clubs and activities have an additional charge where there are overheads.)

Please note that this is not an exclusive list: the College tries to balance providing valuable opportunities with sensitivity to family financial planning. Full time staff do not receive additional remuneration for running trips.

Public examination charges

Examination fees are levied by examination boards, and school fees are inclusive of these. However, additional costs, including an administrative fee, will be recharged to parents for: a second sitting of an examination; additional invigilation costs incurred due to a special educational need; an appeal/remark.

Please contact the Exams Officer, Mrs Clare Chilton, if you require further information. Email:


Learning Support

Learning Support lessons may be organised through the Head of Learning Support. The current charge for one-to-one lessons is £36.00 per thirty minutes.


Terms and Conditions

Fees may be paid either termly or monthly:

  • Termly: fees are payable on or before the first day of each term and should be paid directly to our bank account via online banking as detailed below. Cheques can also be accepted where online banking is not available.


  • Monthly: the College also offers the option to pay the annual fees by standing order on the 1st of each month in ten equal instalments over the 10 month period, September to June inclusive. For the forthcoming academic year 2024/2025 the ten monthly instalments will be: £1,380.00 p.m (Infants) or £1,465.50 p.m. (Y3-13)

Overdue accounts will attract penalty fees at the rate of 5% per month.

Bank Details:  HSBC Bank PLC, St Peter Port, Guernsey

Sort Code                    40 22 25
Account Name           Blanchelande College LBG
Account Number       84177002
Reference                    Your Child’s Name

If payments are made by cheque then cheques should be made payable to Blanchelande College LBG

If you require a standing order form, please click here and once completed please submit it directly to your own Bank.

Please contact the Bursar, Mr Mark Lewis, if you require further information.

Phone 01481 237200

Fees are reviewed in September annually and the Trustees and Governors reserve the right to increase fees without notice, though every effort will be made to give current parents/guardians at least one term’s notice of fee increases.

Fees will not be refunded or waived for absence through sickness, or if a term is shortened, or a vacation extended, or if a pupil is released home after public examinations or otherwise before the normal end of term, or for any other reason except in the sole discretion of the Principal.



In the event that school fees remain outstanding and Blanchelande is forced to seek legal advice/assistance in effecting the recovery of such fees, the total amount owed to the school will be increased by 20% of the sum of those fees outstanding, it being agreed that this is a reasonable assessment of the loss to the College arising from the late or non-payment.


Medical costs

Blanchelande College does have public liability insurance and where the College is culpable for the accident it will accept liability. However, for all accidents and injuries these costs are the responsibility of parents / Guardians. These costs may include, but are not limited to, ambulance bills, A&E visits, GP consultations and any follow-up.


Notice of withdrawal

In the event of withdrawal of a pupil from the school, a full term’s notice in writing must be given to the Principal. In the absence of such notice, one term’s fees is payable in lieu. This is applicable to all year groups, including any students not continuing into our Sixth Form.

Changes to Nursery days/ hours and cancellation of Early Bird Club and After School Club bookings are subject to half a term’s notice.

A pupil who shows no progress in their studies, or who persistently disregards the authority of the College or is considered to exercise an injurious influence on their companions, will not be allowed to remain.

The Principal reserves the right of refusing admission or recommending and requiring the withdrawal of any pupil whose presence in College is judged to be undesirable. The Principal may also suspend/ exclude a pupil, if required. In such circumstances there is an Appeals procedure (see Complaint and Appeal policy) overseen by the Board of Governors.

No portion of fees is refundable if circumstances warrant the removal of a pupil.