Getting to school
Public Bus service
Many pupils travel to school on the Number 71 bus (free for pupils presenting a Puffin Pass). The bus stops on Rue Frairies (on the east side of Les Vauxbelets) or at the Little Chapel (on the south side of the estate). Buses have free wifi and the app provides live updates.
Park and stride
The Last Post (on the junction of Rte-de-St Andrews and Rue Frairies) kindly permits families to use its car park in the mornings for drop off. Cars may be left there for parents wishing to accompany their child on the walk to school.
Cycling to school
The College encourages pupils to cycle to school. Bicycle storage is provided. Students must wear a helmet and other protective and visible equipment when cycling to school.
In Guernsey, young people may ride a scooter/motorcycle from the age of fourteen. However, the College has its own policy for students driving motor vehicles on its property. Scooters and motorcycle users must have a permit (obtained via Mr Burgess) before they ride their vehicle on school grounds. Such vehicles have a different access and parking area.
Sixth Formers – driving to school
Sixth Formers who have passed their test may, with the permission of the Head of Sixth Form, park their vehicle at school, using the diagonal bays immediately on the left on entering the school gates. Vehicles may not be used during the school day except by permission from Mr Noble.
Off-site events
Where senior students attend off-site events such as sports fixtures or a school trip, they must use the form of transport provided by the school (ie coach or minibus); they may not travel during the school day in their own vehicle.