Using Unifrog, a leading careers platform, students identify their personality profile and by using the Unifrog Careers library they broaden their knowledge of future employment opportunities.
Blanchelande students receive comprehensive careers guidance based on the eight Gatsby Benchmarks
- Stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
At Blanchelande, the careers programme is known as TELOS – like a telescope, the programme should bring the distant (the career) into closer focus (school life). The College has strong connections with an extensive network of leading professionals from a range of sectors; these professionals ensure that students know the latest skills and qualifications they need to gain an edge in a competitive and evolving job market.
In Year 9, students evaluate career entry requirements when selecting GCSE options. In Year 10, using Morrisby careers testing, students receive independent and impartial careers advice and guidance. Students’ psychometric test results indicate what careers may be a good fit for their character and interests, and what post-16 and post-18 pathways will lead to their potential career. Students develop interview, CV and application-writing skills. Through the TELOS visiting speakers programme, students learn about different career opportunities and pathways both on Guernsey and in the world beyond.
In addition to the provision in Upper Seniors, Sixth Formers:
- Have a weekly UCAS lesson
- Receive guidance on post-18 apprenticeships and full-time employment
- Participate in Young Enterprise, IoD Leadership Shadowing and Collas Crill Moot
- Volunteering opportunities in the local community (such as weekly visits to a local residential home
- Work Experience Week in Year 12