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Joining our Sixth Form

Our Sixth Form is flexible, meeting individual interests and subject choices and welcomes both existing students and young people from other schools and Colleges.


Joining our Sixth Form

Blanchelande’s Sixth Form offers outstanding A-Level provision in a small, seminar-style learning environment with access to a superb library and a comfortable, well-appointed Common Room.

If your son or daughter is currently at another school and you are considering a Sixth Form place with us, we would be delighted to hear from you. For information about our Sixth Form, and a simple online enquiry form, click here.


Arranging a visit

By arrangement with the Registrar, our Head of Sixth Form is always delighted to meet prospective Sixth Formers for an informal chat and tour of the College. This can take place during or outside of the school day.


Further Information

Your Questions Answered Booklet
Sixth Form Course Booklet
School Prospectus

Application Process

Admission is at the discretion of the Principal. For our full Admissions page, please click here.