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Junior Diploma

Based on our Hero's Journey vision, the unique Blanchelande Diploma taps into each child's innate motivational system and to help them keep on track they receive regular encouragement from teachers and older student mentors.


Junior Diploma

The Blanchelande Diploma is a unique framework for all-round personal development. Pupils set their own targets at the beginning of the year and their progress is reflected in regular report updates to parents, sitting alongside academic progress and development.

The Juniors’ task is to assemble a full suit of armour and become a knight. Over the course of each year, pupils strive to win six pieces of knight’s equipment, representing the six pillars of the Junior Diploma.

The Sword: Learning Powers

The sword represents learning power. Learning is not just about collecting lots of facts (though these are useful, like cannon balls or arrows used to be in battles). As well as knowledge, you also need the right attitude towards what you are learning. We call these attitudes the learning powers. Choose the powers you find most difficult as your targets (these are your dragons that must be defeated so you can get the gold!).

The Helmet: Academic

The helmet guards your head, which is where your brain is! You need to guard and develop this with academic achievements in all your different subjects. What field of knowledge are you delving into and are you keeping a broad mind by interacting with other students?

The Breastplate: Physical

The breastplate symbolizes the knight’s physical achievements. The breastplate guards the knight’s heart, the most vital part of the body. How are you maintaining your physical health and strength?

The Banner: Cultural

The banner is the sign of culture. A knight’s banner is a work of art, often a drawing of a fearsome animal or a saintly patron. The banner would inspire the soldiers fighting on the knight’s side, and if the banner was taken it would mean that the battle had been lost; it was raised in victory. What cultural activities are you part of celebrating and passing on, and do these open you up to the best that has been known and thought?

The Horse: Knightly Virtues

The horse represents Knightly Virtue. To win your horse, you need to show your teachers that you regularly practise the Knightly Virtues which you learn about in PSHE. Virtues have to be practised over a long time for them to become habits.

The Shield: Communication

The shield represents the art of communication. A knight’s shield would display a coat of arms and a motto, instantly telling everyone about the knight’s identity. How confident are you in presenting your ideas to an audience?