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At Blanchelande, we believe that confidence is key; confident students will enjoy mathematics and encounter the beauty of logic and numbers.



At Blanchelande, we believe that confidence is key; confident students will enjoy mathematics and encounter the beauty of logic and numbers. To help students to acquire this confidence, our maths course gradually builds on prior knowledge; these manageable steps encourage students to make connections. Along the way mistakes are not only inevitable but integral to making progress; our students are encouraged to take risks and get things wrong as their understanding develops.

While scaffolding is provided within the classroom, we also offer a numeracy support programme for pupils who need some support in building up their confidence in this subject area and a homework support club led by our Maths Ambassadors – these ambassadors are gifted mathematicians who, in line with our school ethos, want to help others to enjoy the subject; this service contributes towards the Blanchelande Diploma.

Functional skills activities are integrated into the teaching of Mathematics at all Key Stages. These activities help promote independent thinking and help pupils understand how Mathematics underpins real life situations.

Mathematics is a creative and highly interconnected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
From The National Curriculum

Years 7-9

Students explore the key elements of Mathematics in preparation for GCSE entry in Years 10 and 11. Work falls into the following four categories: Number, Shape and Space, Data Handling and Algebra.


Further Maths GCSE

For those wishing to extend their mathematical knowledge beyond the GCSE syllabus we offer a Further Maths Stretch and Challenge group, where we look at many of the topics covered at AS Level. These pupils take an additional GCSE in Further Mathematics.


Opportunities for maths extension

We encourage pupils to participate in the Crest award (KS2), UKMT Mathematics individual challenges as well as the Island team challenges (KS3, KS4, KS5), with some pupils tackling the more prestigious kangeroo rounds. Our puzzles of the week featured weekly in the school newsletter, help develop the problem solving skills needed for these challenges.


Sixth Form

At KS5 we offer A Level Mathematics and the Level 3 certificate in Mathematical Studies. Both courses have proved popular with our first cohort achieving 100% A-C.

Mathematics is fundamental to almost every aspect of human life, and the problem solving, analytical and research skills acquired through A-Level study, as well as the ability to think logically are sure to equip you for a wide range of university courses and careers.